Abstract :
In the field of second language acquisition, individual differences are one the most
critical factors that influence learning a second language and learners’ use of
strategies. Among individual differences, motivation has proved its significant role
in language achievement. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship among
Iranian EFL learners’ regulatory focus, regulatory mode and deep learning selfregulated
strategies. The participants of this causal study were 429 Iranian EFL
learners who all were undergraduate students from both genders. The participants
completed regulatory focus, regulatory mode, and deep learning self-regulated
strategies questionnaires. The data analysis showed significant relationships among
participants regulatory focus (promotion and prevention), regulatory mode
(assessment and locomotion), and deep learning strategies (basic learning selfregulation
strategies, visual elaboration and summarizing strategies, deep information
processing strategies, and social learning self-regulation strategies). The findings
showed that there was a significant positive relationship between regulatory focus,
critically promotion-focus and deep learning strategies. The relationship between
learners’ promotion foci and their use of each subset of deep learning strategies was
about equal and there were no meaningful differences among them. In addition, data
analysis showed a significant positive relationship between regulatory mode and deep
learning strategies. Moreover, locomotion-oriented learners had better operation in
using deep learning strategies and their subset strategies. On the other hand,
assessment learners used only basic learning self-regulation and deep information
processing strategies. This study has implications for language educators,
practitioners, and policymakers to address individual differences and create
supportive learning environments.