پديد آورنده :
حجازي، مليكا سادات
عنوان :
توليد و مشخصه يابي فيلم بيو نانوكاموزيت بر پايه كيتوزان تقويت شده با نانوالياف كيتين استخراج شده از پوسته ميگو
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده مهندسي شيمي
صفحه شمار :
سيزده، 97ص.: مصور
استاد راهنما :
طيبه بهزاد
توصيفگر ها :
پليمر زيست تخريب پذير
استاد داور :
سعيد نوري خراساني، حميد زيلويي
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
چكيده انگليسي :
98 Preparation and Characterization of Bionanocomposite Film Based on Chitosan Reinforced by Extracted Chitin Nanofibers from Shrimp Shell Melika Sadat Hejazi m hejazi@ce iut ac ir January 13 2016 Department of Chemical Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 IranDegree MSc Language FarsiSupervisor T Behzad tbehzad@cc iut ac irAbstractAt recent years because of environmental problems and not renewable form of oil resources naturalpolymers are replaced artificial polymers in most applications Among the large family of natural polymers chitosan due to the affluence biodegradablity and bio compatibility was used in different fields such as foodpacking industry Chitin is the most usual bio polymers that was used in nano composite synthesizing asreinforcing and filler agent In the current work the aim is to extracting and characterizing the chitin nanofibers from shrimp shell and investigating the effect of its addition to chitosan based bio composites Duringthe extracting process first of all proteins and soluble carbohydrates were alkali washed in sodiumhydroxide to be removed from shrimp shell In the next stage salts were removed using acid chloric andfinally decolorizing and lipid removal were done using acetone and hypochlorite sodium Result of shrimpshell analyses revealed that material with 88 chitin has a little lipid and lacks protein and carbonatecalcium Spectroscopy results of fibers at the different stages determined that removing the matrix materialswere done successfully and FT IR spectrum confirms this result Average diameter of nano fibers wascalculated about 21 nanometer using Scanning Electron Microscopy Crystallization of nano fibers wereestimated at 84 using X ray diffraction results In order to preparing nano composite chitosan wasdissolved in acetic acid and then was mixed thoroughly with 1 3 5 7 and 10 of chitin nano fibers Tocreating transverse joints of chitosan film adipic acid were used to reveal a comparison between thesynthesized films properties SEM images of fracture surface of chitosan composite film with 5 of chitinnano fibers showed that fibers are distributed uniformly in matrix and there is a good interaction betweenmatrix and nano fibers Results of mechanical tests proved that ultimate strength and module of nanocomposite films increases about 43 with increasing in chitin nano fibers up to 5 Strain in fracture pointdecreased about 52 percent for films with 0 to 10 nano fibers Improvement of strain in fracture point wasperformed using glycerol In the next step in order to recovering the ultimate strength and module adipicacid addition to chitosan films made physical and chemical transverse joints Ultimate strength results ofchitosan films containing physical and chemical transverse joints in comparison with pure films containingemollient were increased about 224 and 283 respectively In this stage treating with 5Wt of chitinnano fibers led to highest strength of 118 MPa Water absorption test proved that water absorption rate insamples without emollient is significantly higher than other samples With addition of emollient and firingfilms water absorption rate decreases Transparency test showed that adding nano fiber and glycerolemollient results in transparency decreasing for nano composite films Key words Shrimp shell Chitin nanofibers Chitosan Bionanocomposite film Biodegradable polymer
استاد راهنما :
طيبه بهزاد
استاد داور :
سعيد نوري خراساني، حميد زيلويي