پديد آورنده :
مهرابي، سمانه
عنوان :
بررسي خودكفايي توليد غلات در حوضه هاي آبريز كشور با استفاده از مفهوم آب مجازي
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده مهندسي عمران
صفحه شمار :
چهارده، 111ص.: مصور
استاد راهنما :
آزاده احمدي
توصيفگر ها :
امنيت غذايي , بهينه سازي , نياز آبي , عملكرد , راندمان آبياري
استاد داور :
كيوان اصغري، علي يوسفي
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
چكيده فارسي :
جدول ۵ انرژي توليدي غلات در حوضهها در سـناريو دوم و سـوم بـر ـ ـ ـ حسب ميليون كالري جدول ۵ انرژي مصرفي غلات در حوضـهها در وضـعيت موجـود بـر حسـب ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ميليون كالري جدول ۵ مجموع منابع آب سطح زير كشت توليد سـود و آب مصـرفي ـ ـ غلات و درصد تغيير آنها در وضعيت موجود و سناريوها جدول ۵ مجموع انرژي مصـرفيس و توليـدي غـلات در وضـعيت موجـود و ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ يزد سناريوها بر حسب كيلو كالري ه چكيده وابستگي انسان به آب نشان ميدهد كه نياز به آب براي توليد غذا به مراتب بيشتر از نيازهاي ديگر آبي است روزانه بيش از ليتر آب براي توليد چهار ده
چكيده انگليسي :
Self Sufficiency Investigation in Grain Production in Iran Water Basins Using the Virtual Water Concept Samaneh Mehrabi Samaneh mehrabi@cv iut ac ir Date of Submission May 2016 Department of civil Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan Iran Degree M Sc Language Persian Supervisor Azadeh Ahmadi Assist Prof aahmadi@cc iut ac ir Abstract Human dependence on water indicates that the water needed for food production is much higher than other water needs Daily more than 1000 liters of water for food production is necessary while for other needs about 2 4 liters is sufficient for human survival Hence discussion of virtual water and its relation to food security has emerged Food security is access of all people at all ages to enough and healthy food for an active and healthy life FAO stated to feed population of 9 billion people in 2050 should double the current production produced and to achieve this goal obstacles such as restrictions on agricultural lands water scarcity and high price of energy should be considered In this study the cereal productions as part of the basic agricultural products in each sub basin are optimized Grains include wheat barley rice and maize and more than 60 percent of cultivation area each basin allocated to them The maximum objective function is the sum of the profits from grain production in each the basin In fact the goal is increase the rate of production in the catchment with high selling price low production cost low virtual water cost low water requirement and high performance Constraints optimization contains at least 20 of current production in each basin to prevent the lack of cultivation Also contains cultivation area equal to or less than the current cultivation area and water use less than of water resources in each basin In this model three scenarios were defined The first scenario is the use of water resources at the level of current consumption water the second scenario is the use of water at the level of the water resources available agriculture and the third scenario is similar to water resources in the second scenario plus demand management through improved agricultural efficiency to the horizon in 1420 After running the model in the first scenario the amount cultivation area grain to amount 20 36 percent decrease production to amount 11 36 percent increase water consumption to amount 14 56 percent decrease and profit to amount 194 35 percent increase In fact in this scenario by using water resources at the level of current consumption water amount production in each basin increased which represents advance model towards produce products with higher performance In this scenario with reduction cultivation area grain water consumption decreased that the reason is advance model towards produce products with less water requirement In the second scenario the amount cultivation area production and water consumption of grains respectively to amount 33 56 15 46 and 27 31 percent reduction and the amount profit to amount 72 65 percent increased In this scenario by using water resources at the level of water resources available agriculture 16 percent reduction compared to the first scenario production decreased but profit increased that the reason is advance model towards produce products with high selling price low production cost and low virtual water cost low water requirement In the third scenario amount cultivation area of grains to amount 24 98 percent reduction production to amount 3 69 percent increased water consumption to amount 31 5 percent reduction and profit to amount 153 4 percent increased The first scenario is similar to the third scenario behavior with the difference in the third scenario water resources is at the level of the water resources available agriculture and 16 percent lower For this reason the amount cultivation area to amount 4 percent production to amount 8 percent and profit to amount 40 percent are lower than the first scenario The results show th
استاد راهنما :
آزاده احمدي
استاد داور :
كيوان اصغري، علي يوسفي