شماره مدرك :
شماره راهنما :
پديد آورنده :
سلطاني، معظمه
عنوان :

استفاده از تركيبات پريبيوتيكي استخراج شده از مغز بلوط براي ريزپوشاني لاكتوباسيلوس پلانتاروم PTCC 1896 به روش خشك كردن پاششي

مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
علوم و صنايع غذايي
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده كشاورزي
سال دفاع :
صفحه شمار :
پانزده، 84ص.: مصور، جدول، نمودار
يادداشت :
ص. ع. به فارسي و انگليسي
استاد راهنما :
صبيحه سليمانيان زاد
استاد مشاور :
ميلاد فتحي
توصيفگر ها :
بلوط , اينولين , پلانتاروم , شبيه سازي معده و روده
استاد داور :
هاجرشكرچي زاده، محمد صدقي
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
كتابنامه :
رشته تحصيلي :
دانشكده :
مهندسي كشاورزي
كد ايرانداك :
چكيده فارسي :
7 عنوان صفحه 3 3 نتايج فرآيند ريزپوشاني باكتري الكتوباسيلوس پالنتاروم 6981 PTCC توسط پريبيوتيك بلوط و اينولين 11 3 3 5 نتايج بهينهسازي غلظت محلول پريبيوتيك بلوط براي ورود به خشككن پاششي 11 3 3 2 نتايج راندمان فرآيند ريزپوشاني 11 3 3 3 بررسي ميزان رطوبت ريزپوشينهها و معرفي تيمارهاي بهينه جهت ريزپوشاني 21 3 4 ارزيابي خصوصيات ظاهري باكتري آزاد و ريزپوشينه شده توسط ميكروسكوپ الكتروني روبشي SEM و اندازه ذرات ريزپوشينه ها 31 3 4 5 خصوصيات مورفولوژي 31 3 4 2 اندازه ذرات 11 3 1 اندازهگيري حالليت ريزپوشينهها 61 3 6 اثر تنشهاي مختلف بر زندهماني باكتري 61 3 6 5 اثر شرايط شبيهسازي شده دستگاه گوارش بر سلولهاي آزاد و ريزپوشينهها 61 الف اثر شرايط شبيهسازي شده معده 61 ب اثر شرايط شبيهسازي شده روده 81 3 6 2 اثر شرايط انبارماني بر زندهماني باكتري موجود در ريزپوشينهها 16 3 6 3 اثر حرارت بر زندهماني باكتري آزاد و ريزپوشينه شده 46 3 6 4 بررسي ميزان آسيب ديدگي سلولهاي ريزپوشينه شده در خشككن پاششي با استفاده از رشد در غلظتهاي مختلف نمك 66 فصل چهارم نتيجه گيري وپيشنهادها 17 4 5 جمع بندي كلي نتايج 17 4 2 پيشنهاد ها 27 پيوست ها 47 منابع 87 چكيده انگليسي 68 دوازده
چكيده انگليسي :
86 Use of Prebiotic Compounds Extracted from Acron for Microcapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum PTCC 1896 Using Spray Dryer Moazameh Soltani Moazameh Soltani@ag iut ac ir January 4 2017 Department of Food Science and Technology Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 IranDegree M Sc Language FarsiSupervisor S Soleimanian Zad Soleiman@cc iut ac irAbstractProduction of probiotic foods is increasing due to their health benefits Various studies have shown thatsurvival of probiotic bacteria decreases during storage food processing and passing through gastrointestinaltract Hence employing various methods such as microencapsulation can improve their survival andincrease their resistance against harsh conditions Recently application of prebiotics as encapsulatingagents to maintain the maximum survival of probiotics has attracted researchers attention In this researchprebiotic polysaccharides were extracted from acorn Extracted prebiotic was then compared with inulin commercial prebiotic as encapsulating agents for Lactobacillus plantarum PTCC 1896 by spray dryingmethod Concentrations of 2 3 and 4 acorns prebiotic and 5 10 and 15 of inulin were used as treatmentsfor microencapsulation Concentrations of 3 acorn prebiotic and 15 inulin as optimal treatments wereselected and then morphology of free and encapsulated bacteria were investigated using scanning electronmicroscopy SEM The encapsulating agents protective effects on survival of bacteria in the simulatedgastrointestinal tract storage and some technological conditions such as high temperature and high NaClconcentrations were studied The SEM images showed the encapsulated bacteria with inulin sphericalshapes with a wrinkled surfaces that and morphology of encapsulated bacteria with acorn prebiotics hadirregular shapes with depressed surfaces Microencapsulation by acorn extracted prebiotic increasedbacteria resistance under gastrointestinal simulation conditions and this increase was better than inulin Thesurvival rate reduction of bacteria in simulated intestinal conditions in free and microencapsulated bacteriawith inulin and acorn was 1 68 0 62 and 0 14 logarithmic cycle respectively The result during 40 days ofstorage in two temperatures of 4 and 28 C showed that survival of encapsulated bacteria with extractedprebiotics from acorn in both temperatures was maintained until 8 90 logarithmic cycle and survival ofencapsulated bacteria with inulin reduced to 7 52 in 4 C and to 6 19 logarithmic cycle at 28 C Overallresults showed that increasing of temperature during storage didn t have significant effect on reducing ofbacteria survival in acorn p 0 05 but had significant effect on bacterial viability in inulin p 0 05 It wasalso found that microencapsuls had no protective effect against heat on bacteria In salinity resistance test sensitivity values of free and microencapsulated bacteria with inulin and acorn prebiotic at concentrationof 5 salt were 2 80 15 85 and 19 60 respectively Collectively results showed that application ofacorn prebiotic in comparison to inulin for microencapsulation of bacteria by spray drying method causesgreater resistance and survival against stomach intestines and storage conditions Therefore use of acornprebiotic could be suggested for increasing bacterial resistance against gastric acid and enzymes in thegastrointestinal tract and bacteria release into colon While the tested prebiotics inulin and acorn had noprotective effect against temperature Therefore microencapsulation of L plantarum PTCC 1896 by spraydrying method using these prebiotics can not protect it against high temperature It could be suggested tomix them with other thermal resistance substances or their chemical modifications which could be theobjectives of future researches Keywords probiotics prebiotics acorn inulin microencapsulation spray drying
استاد راهنما :
صبيحه سليمانيان زاد
استاد مشاور :
ميلاد فتحي
استاد داور :
هاجرشكرچي زاده، محمد صدقي
لينک به اين مدرک :
