توصيفگر ها :
تنش شوري , عناصر غذايي , كودهاي شيميايي , عملكرد , جيبرلين , اكسين , ضد شوري
چكيده انگليسي :
In many parts of the world, agriculture is limited by biotic and abiotic environmental stresses that
reduce yields through various mechanisms. In plantsʹ abiotic stresses, water stress, salinity, and
temperature stress are most important in arid and semi-arid regions. The use of chemical fertilizers
gradually causes spoil salinity and have some negative effect such as reduced plant yield, nonabsorption of some elements such as potassium and difficulty in absorbing water. Moreover, the
plant absorbs the water by consuming more energy. In addition, fertilizers can penetrate
groundwater and adversely affect human health. Due to these problems and insufficient
information to eliminate or improve these conditions, this study was designed to study pruning
hormones and nutrition to increase the quality of pepper fruit. The experiment was in a completely
randomized block design including pruning treatments of 5-7 fruits per plant, hormone (gibberellin
and auxin 5-10.1 M), nutritional regime 25% reduction in normal fertilizing, reduction of soil
salinity using commercial anti-salinity (Sal-fit) ) At a rate of 50 kg/ha and a control treatment with
the usual greenhouse treating with 3 replications. Weight, length, diameter, firmness of fruit
texture, fruit volume, yield per plant, TSS index, number of drops, relative water content, total
soluble solids, taste, fruit seed weight, color index L a b, coloring break and fruit ripening time
were measured and data were analyzed by SAS program. The results showed that Sal-fit had a
statistically significant and positive effect on growth traits under severe soil salinity stress,
including fruit firmness, seed weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit volume, number of 1st-grade
fruits, and yield. The lowest number of deformed fruits was observed in this treatment. Also, antisalinity treatment positively affected the relative water content, fruit organic acid percentage, total
soluble solids content, nitrogen and calcium content of shoots, flower abortion, and yield compared
to the control. Fruit pruning by keeping 5-7 fruits per plant compared to other treatments had a
small but significant effect on traits such as relative fruit water content, total soluble solids, shoot
nitrogen content, fruit flavor, fruit length, and yield, while Reducing fruit ripening time and flower
and fruit abortion was more effective than other treatments. Pruning treatment has also increased
the number of grade 3 fruits, which seems to be due to the adverse effect of salinity stress on the
fruit. Based on the results, it has been proven that a 25% reduction in the concentration of the
nutrition recommended improving all traits except the number of grade 1 fruit, number of grade 2
fruits, number of grade 3 fruits, and firmness of the fruit, but this effect is not significant.