پديد آورنده :
مهديخاني نهرخلجي، مهدي
عنوان :
بررسي تاثير كلرايد و سختي كلسيم آب خنك كننده برخوردگي فولاد ساده كربني و مس
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
(خوردگي و حفاظت مواد)
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده مواد
صفحه شمار :
شانزده، 133ص .: مصور، جدول، شكل، نمودار
استاد راهنما :
محمدحسين فتحي، محمد چالكش اميري
استاد مشاور :
احمد ساعتچي
توصيفگر ها :
حفره دارشدن / انحلال انتخابي / خوردگي گالوانيكي ،شياري،بين دانه اي،تنشي ،سايشي / هوازدائي شيميائي ومكانيكي / يون كلر/ سولفات / آنيون ها/ الكترودهاي فلزي/ برون يابي تافل / پلاريزاسيون خطي / شناساگرجذب سطحي /
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
چكيده فارسي :
به فارسي (قابل رويت درقسمت "نسخه ديجيتال ")، وبه انگليسي
چكيده انگليسي :
Abstract Nowadays cooling towers have been usied widely for heat transfer and corrosioncontrol of steels and the other alloys contact to cooling waters is one of the most importantmatter in many industries Water quality has a main role in the amount of watercorrosivity Therefore some researches have been performed on the effect of differentparameters of waters such as calcium and magnesium hardness chloride and sulphateanions and dissolved oxygen on corrosion of some structural materials in suchsystems The aim of this research is the investigation and evaluation of the effects ofchloride ion cocentration and calcium hardness of cooling waters on corrosion behaviourof carbon steel and copper in cooling waters In this rerearch carbon steel and coppersamples were electochemicaly tested in cooling water with different chloride cocentrationand various calcium hardnesses The results indicated that carbon steel corrosion rateinceased initially up to a maximum at about 700 ppm NaCl but then decreases The initialrise appears to be related to a change in the protective nature of the diffusion barrier rustfilm The falling off of corrosion rate can be related to decrease in oxygen solubility andconstitution of ion pairs that have less capability to oxidation than Fe 2 Increasing ofchloride cocentration results in increasing of copper corrosion rate Formation of ion pairsbetween copper and chloride ions that leads to Cu2 production may be responsible forincreasing in copper corrosion Electrochemical experiments in different amount of calciumhardness for carbon steel and copper show a sharp decrease in corrosion rate for both ofthem but for copper it initially decreases dramatically and in higher concentrations itremain roughly stable Formation of calcium carbonate protective film and calciumcomplexes on the surface of such metals cause a decrease in corrosion rate however thelatter has been said to be more protective for copper
استاد راهنما :
محمدحسين فتحي، محمد چالكش اميري
استاد مشاور :
احمد ساعتچي