پديد آورنده :
مهدي خاني ، بهنام
عنوان :
تعيين كنترل كننده هاي كاني سازي سرب و روي در محدوده كانسار آي قلعه سي از طريق تلفيق كليه داده هاي اكتشافي و ارائه طرح اكتشاف تكميلي
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
اكتشاف معدن
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان ، دانشكده معدن
صفحه شمار :
دوازده ، 91 ، [II] ص: مصور ، جدول ، نمودار
يادداشت :
ص.ع. به: فارسي وانگليسي
استاد راهنما :
نادر فتحيان پور ، حسن طباطبايي
استاد مشاور :
رامين محمدي نيايي
توصيفگر ها :
مطالعات دور سنجي , شاخص طيفي , مدلسازي سه بعدي IP - RS , آناليز خوشه اي
تاريخ نمايه سازي :
استاد داور :
فرهاد محمد تراب ، هوشنگ اسدي هاروني
چكيده فارسي :
به فارسي و انگليسي : قابل رويت در نسخه ديجيتال
چكيده انگليسي :
Determination of factors controling the Pb Zn mineralization and proposing complementary exploration program at Ay Ghaleh Si prospect through integrating exploratory data Behnam Mehdikhani b mehdikhani@mi iut ac ir 2009 Department of Mining Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 Iran Degree M Sc Language Farsi Supervisors Dr N Fathianpour and Dr S H TabatabaeiAbstractAy Ghaleh Si lead zinc mine located in 24 Km southeast of Takab is considered as animportant archaeological site and is believed that its operations dates back to ancient era The main objectives of current study were defined as the determination of factorscontroling Pb Zn mineralization at Ay Ghaleh Si exploratory lease via integratingexploratory data such as geological geochemical and mineralogical in order to prepare thecomplementary exploration program The available exploratory data sets include theASTER spectral images apparent resistivity and induced polarization lithogeochemicaldata layers plus four drillhole logs data The ASTER spectral bands were used to delineate and detect alteration zones The spectralfeature mapping techniques such as band ratioing principal compounent analysis leastsqure spectral feature fitting and spectral indices SI algorithms were employed foralteration mapping It was found that the SI algorithm resulted in a better detection ofAlunite and Kaolinite alterations Multivariate statistical analysis on stream samples andthe litho geochemical samples which were analysed by enzyme leach method depicted fivefavorable areas all co located over old Pb Zn mine activities In order to derive threedimentional subsurface geoelectrical parameter distributions including true resistivity andchargability the raw RS IP geophysical data sets were inverted using optimal least squaresinversion algorithms It is shown that over the mineralized zone the geochemical and geophysical anomalousmaps are spatially correlated but when compared with the location of previously drilledboreholes it was concluded that the boreholws were selected based on apparent anomalouschargeabilities rather than true inverste ones which will eventually lead to wronginterprations At the end and in order to check the existence of favorable Pb Zn subsurfacemineralizations using 3D geophysical inverted models and topographic relief of the studiedarea one boreholes has been proposed
استاد راهنما :
نادر فتحيان پور ، حسن طباطبايي
استاد مشاور :
رامين محمدي نيايي
استاد داور :
فرهاد محمد تراب ، هوشنگ اسدي هاروني