چكيده انگليسي :
A Study on Special Weingarten Surfaces in E3 Somayeh Morshedi s morshedi@math iut ac ir july 23 2014 Department of Mathematical Sciences Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 Iran Supervisor Dr Azam Etemad Dehkordy ae110mat@ cc iut ac ir Advisor Dr Seyed Ghahreman Taherian taherian@ cc iut ac ir 2010 MSC 05C15 Keywords Edge intersection graph Linear 3 unifrm hypergraph Forbidden inducedsubgraph Krausz decomposition AbstractThe line graph L H of a hypergraph H V H E H is a graph such that 1 The vertices of L H are in a bijective correspondence with the edge of H 2 Two vertices are adjacent in L H if and only if the corresponding edges have a nonemptyintersection A hypergraph H is called linear if Ei Ej 1 for all Ei Ej E H i j and k uniformif all edges have the same cardinality k The classes of line graphs of k uniform hypergraphand linear k uniform hypergraphs are denoted by Lk and Ll respectively kWe call a clique covering C C1 Cq of a graph G1 Linear if any two di erent cliques in C have no common edges 2 k covering if every vertex of G belongs to at most k cliques from C A linear k covering is also called a Krausz k covering or Krausz k partion or Krauszk decomposition a Krausz 2 partion is called a Krausz type decomposition Classes L2 and Ll the line graphs of multigraphs and of simple graphs respectively have 2