Abstract :
The objectives of this study were: (1) to explore the cross-country relationship of gender gap in literacy levels and in enrollment rates to per capita GNP growth. (2) to find out whether the relationship of gender gap to economic growth in the countries of OPEC (Organization of petroleum Exporting Countries) and/or the EAC (East Asian Countries) differs at a statistically significant level from than of the other countries under investigation due to socio-economic sturctural differences. Linear and linear-log regression midels were used for the analysis. Dummy intercept shifters were included into the regrssions to measure the effects of OPEC and EAC. Results showed that: (1) The relationship of narrowing literacy and enrollment gender gaps, at primary or secondary levels, to per capita GNP growth were positive and statistically significant. And (2) the effect of the OPEC dummy was negative on the intercept of the estimated regression lines, while the effect of the EAC dummy was positive. Bothe of the estimated OPEC and EAC effects were statistically significant. Further research on the possible socio-economic factors than might have inhibited the income growth in OPEC countries was suggested.