شماره مدرك :
شماره راهنما :
903 دكتري
پديد آورنده :
شهبازي، عاطفه
عنوان :

بررسي برخي خصوصيات بوم شناختي گونه Hedysarum criniferum Boiss

مقطع تحصيلي :
گرايش تحصيلي :
علوم مرتع
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده منابع طبيعي
سال دفاع :
صفحه شمار :
شانزده، 155ص.: مصور
استاد راهنما :
حميد متين خواه
استاد مشاور :
حسين بشري، مصطفي تركش، جهانگير خواجه علي
توصيفگر ها :
آت اكولوژي , حشرات گرده افشان , خصوصيات جوانه زني , سوسك هاي بذرخواه , فراهم آوري نيتروژن , كيفيت علوفه
استاد داور :
مهدي بصيري، پژمان طهماسبي، حسن كريم مجني
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
دانشكده :
مهندسي منابع طبيعي
كد ايرانداك :
ID903 دكتري
چكيده فارسي :
01 3 6 نتايج 23 3 6 1 نتايج تجزيه و تحليل خوشهبندي 23 3 6 2 نتايج تجزيه و تحليل رجبندي پارامتريك 53 3 5 3 منحني عكسالعمل گونه به شرايط محيطي 04 3 6 بحث و نتيجه گيري 64 4 فصل چهارم بررسي تاثير حشرات گردهافشان و بذرخوار در زادآوري گونه 4 1 چكيده 94 4 2 مقدمه 05 4 3 اهداف و فرضيات تحقيق 25 4 4 بررسي منابع 25 4 4 1 مطالعات اكولوژي گردهافشاني گونههاي جنس 54 Hedysarum 4 4 2 شناسايي بذرخواران گونههاي جنس 55 Hedysarum 4 5 مواد و روشها 55 4 5 1 توصيف منطقه مورد مطالعه 55 4 5 2 چگونگي اجراي تيمارها 55 4 5 3 متغيرهاي مورد ارزيابي 75 4 5 4 تجزيه و تحليل آماري دادهها 75 4 6 نتايج 75 4 6 1 نتايج تيمارهاي گردهافشاني و بذرخواري اعمال شده بر مجموعه بذر و ميوه گونه اسپرسي همداني 75 4 6 2 شناسايي حشره بذرخوار گونه اسپرسي همداني 36 4 7 بحث و نتيجه گيري 36 فصل پنجم تعيين برخي خصوصيات جوانهزني گونه مورد مطالعه در شرايط آزمايشگاهي 5 1 چكيده 76 5 2 مقدمه 86 5 2 1 فاكتورهاي تاثيرگذار بر جوانهزني 96 5 2 1 1 درجه حرارت 96 5 2 1 2 رطوبت 07 5 2 1 3 نور 07 5 3 اهداف و فرضيات تحقيق 17 5 4 بررسي منابع 27 5 4 1 مطالعات مربوط به بررسي اثر دما و تنش خشكي بر خصوصيات جوانهزني 27 5 4 2 مطالعات مربوط به خصوصيات جوانهزني گونههاي جنس 73 Hedysarum ده
چكيده انگليسي :
156 Investigation on some ecological characteristic of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss Atefeh Shahbazi a shahbazi@na iut ac ir June 7 2016 Department of Nature Resources Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83 111 IranDegree PhD Language PersianS H Matinkhah matinkhah@cc iut ac ir Abstract The response of plant species to the ecological factors is an efficient guide in improvement restoration and harvesting projects of range lands Present study was done in order to investigatesome ecological characteristics of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss in five separate stages In the firststage the effects of environmental factors on distribution of H criniferum was studied in Chadeganand Mute region in Isfahan province A total of 30 soil samples were collected from the 80randomly established plots Canonical Correspondence Analysis was used to explore therelationships between environmental and management factors with the species distribution inCANOCO software and Cluster analysis was also used to group sampling plots The results showedthat the presence of the species is mainly on loamy sandy loam and silty loam soils In Chadeganhabitat this species appear more in the North and East slopes with convex shape and in Mutemostly scattered in of North slopes Unlike some other species in these regions H criniferum is notsensitive to soil calcium and magnesium The most presence of H criniferum was seen in the lowgravel percentage 0 10 and in 60 80 slope In the second stages the effect of pollinators andseed predators on regeneration of H criniferum was investigated To achieve the goal the tulle mesh cages with rebar in the dimensions 75 150 150cm were used to apply the followingtreatments pollinators excluded seed predators present seed predators excluded pollinatorspresent seed predators excluded pollinators excluded or control neither excluded The GLMprocedure was implemented to evaluate the set of data in 2 2 factorial design in completelyrandomized design The results show that the pollination impact is supportive and causes incrementof 47 6 fold of loments and 62 6 fold of produced seeds compared to their absence In addition theseed predators infected 27 of the seeds compared to the control Therefore it was found that thepollinators are more effective than the seed predators on the reproduction of this plant In the thirdstages the germination characteristics of H criniferum were studied in different temperature andmoisture conditions in vitro The experiment was conducted as a randomized complete design withtwo factors first factor included four alternative temperature levels and the second factor includesfour drought levels with three replications Based on the results as the temperature and droughtlevels increase the germination percentage and germination speed of the species decrease Incredibly the seeds even germinated in high osmotic potential 6 bar Higher germinationpercentage of H criniferum seeds in different drought levels in comparison to high alternativetemperature 24 26 C indicated that this species is more sensitive to higher temperature than highlevels of drought condition Therefore it could be concluded that the H criniferum is a relativelydrought resistance species Some indicators of quality forage of H criniferum in differentphenological stages were determined in the fourth stages of this research In all phenologicalstages in Muteh the high amount of ADF NDF and CF as reducing agents of forage quality wasobserved and conversely the high amount of CP TDN DMD and ME as the increasing foragequality was detected in Chadegan This species is highly desirable regarding the rangeland foragequality classification indicators Phosphor and Zinc in contrast to potassium magnesium calciumand iron content of the plant species meet sheep daily requirements in all phenological stages In
استاد راهنما :
حميد متين خواه
استاد مشاور :
حسين بشري، مصطفي تركش، جهانگير خواجه علي
استاد داور :
مهدي بصيري، پژمان طهماسبي، حسن كريم مجني
لينک به اين مدرک :
