شماره راهنما :
1325 دكتري
پديد آورنده :
گرگين گرجي، مهتاب
عنوان :
الگوي جوانه زني بذر، استقرار دانه رست و رشد سه گونه لگوم
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان : دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان
صفحه شمار :
هفت، ۱۱۹ص.: مصور، جدول، نمودار
استاد راهنما :
محمدرضا وهابي، عادل سي و سه مرده
استاد مشاور :
فرزاد حسين پناهي، حميدرضا عشقي زاده ساماني، مهدي بصيري اصفهاني
توصيفگر ها :
اسپرس , تنش خشكي , ماشك متنوع , مدلسازي , مرتع
استاد داور :
مصطفي تركش اصفهاني، مرتضي زاهدي، منصور شريعتي
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
رشته تحصيلي :
منابع طبيعي
دانشكده :
مهندسي منابع طبيعي
تاريخ ويرايش اطلاعات :
كد ايرانداك :
ID1325 دكتري
چكيده فارسي :
3 4 نتيجهگيري 75 منابع 85 فصل چهارم زندهماني و پاسخ فيزیولوژیک گونههاي هدف در وضعيتهاي مختلف پتانسيل آب خاک و دما 46 چكيده 46 4 1 مقدمه 56 4 2 مواد و روشها 86 4 2 1 كاشت در گلدان 86 4 2 2 كاشت مستقيم در عرصه 17 4 2 3 آناليز آماري 17 4 3 نتایج و بحث 17 4 3 1 كشت پایيزه به منظور ارزیابي بقاي گياهچه در كشت تأخيري 17 4 3 2 نتایج مقایسه رویش و زندهماني سه گونه هدف دركشت پایيزه 28 4 3 3 كشت بهاره به منظور ارزیابي مقاومت به خشكي 38 4 3 4 نتایج مقایسه رویش و زندهماني سه گونه هدف دركشت بهاره 59 4 3 5 نتایج مقایسه رویش زندهماني وزن خشک اندام هوایي و زیرزميني سه گونه هدف دركشت بهاره و پایيزه 69 4 3 6 كاشت مستقيم در عرصه 111 4 4 نتيجهگيري 311 منابع 511 فصل پنجم جمعبندي مطالعات و نتيجهگيري كلي 911 5 1 مقدمه 911 5 2 نتيجهگيري نهایي 911 5 3 جمعبندي و نتيجه گيري كلي 211 5 4 پيشنهادها 511 منابع 611 دو
چكيده انگليسي :
998 Seed germination pattern seedling establishment and growth of three legume species Onobrychis scrobiculata Boiss Onobrychis subnitens BORNM and Vicia variabilis Grossh Mahtab Gorgin Karaji m gurgin@gmail com January 26 2019 Department of Natural Resources Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 IranDegree Ph D Language PersianDr Mohammad Reza Vahabi vahabi@cc iut ac irDr Adel Siosemardeh a33@uok ac irAbstractThe main objective of this research was to predict and quantify the time and seed germinationof Onobrychis scrobiculata Onobrychis subnitens and Vicia variabilis species usingthermaltime hydrotime and hydrothermal time models In addition growth rate viability andphysiological responses of species were studied under different soil water potentials andtemperatures Besides the habitat properties of species were studied and the most importantphysical and chemical characteristics of the soil and plant characteristics were measured in thehabitats of each species For seed germination modeling a completely randomized design withfour replications in a factorial arrangement was used which included three factors plantspecies temperature and water potential In order to study the physiological traits the growthand seedling survival of species in delayed planting time a pot experiment was conducted inautumn and also another pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of four irrigationtreatments on plant growth in spring with the use of seeds collected from the related habitats In each pot the percentage of growth seedlings reached the soil surface and the percentageof live plants percentage of plants survived until the end of the growing season weremeasured Also to study the plant growth under natural conditions at the research station ofUniversity of Kurdistan direct planting was carried out in a randomized complete block designin autumn and spring and the growth percentage and the percentage of live plants werecalculated at the end of experiment The data from the experiments were analyzed using theANOVA and Duncan s test The results showed that O scrobiculata grows in habitats withaverage rainfall of 388 mm mean annual temperature of 12 4 C in shallow soils with moderatesoil texture in the range of 1350 1620 m elevation This species produces 611 Kg ha biomassand possess high cold resistance but its resistance to drought is moderate The base optimumand maximum temperatures for its seed germination were found to be 5 5 18 8 19 76 and38 14 C respectively with a thermal time of 25 87 degree days O subnitens with 1397 Kg haproduction grows in habitats which have 1720 1940 m elevation 354 mm rainfall and 10 6mean annual temperature in relatively shallow soils with heavy soil texture This species isresistant to frost and drought stresses and has a high germination percentage with a thermaltime required for 50 germination of 21 29 degree days The base optimum and maximumtemperatures were obtained to be 1 23 17 22 and 41 10 C respectively The habitat ofV variabilis with an average annual rainfall of 542 mm the average annual temperature of 12 5 C has relatively deep soils Despite the good frost resistance it has little resistance to drought
استاد راهنما :
محمدرضا وهابي، عادل سي و سه مرده
استاد مشاور :
فرزاد حسين پناهي، حميدرضا عشقي زاده ساماني، مهدي بصيري اصفهاني
استاد داور :
مصطفي تركش اصفهاني، مرتضي زاهدي، منصور شريعتي