پديد آورنده :
نصيري، مرضيه
عنوان :
بررسي اثر شفافيت اطلاعات بر روي جذب خيرين و در نظرگرفتن همكاري دولت و سازمانهاي غيرانتفاعي در زنجيره تأمين بشردوستانه:
با رويكرد نظريه بازيهاي تكاملي
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
سيستم هاي اقتصادي- اجتماعي
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان : دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان
صفحه شمار :
ج، 66ص.: مصور (رنگي)، جدول، نمودار
توصيفگر ها :
زنجيره تأمين بشردوستانه , شفافيت اطلاعات , بازيهاي تكاملي , بازي جمعيت محور , همكاري , تعادل استكلبرگ
استاد داور :
نادر شتاب بوشهري، مهدي علينقيان
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
رشته تحصيلي :
مهندسي صنايع
دانشكده :
مهندسي صنايع و سيستم ها
تاريخ ويرايش اطلاعات :
چكيده انگليسي :
AbstractIn this study we use an evolutionary game theory to analyze the information transparencystrategy and its impact on the amount of donors donations in the humanitarian supply chain The supply chain to be surveyed includes donors and non profit organizations that serve theaffected areas during crisis and did disaster situations Non profit organizations alwayscompete for attracting charitable donations and increasing their utility Nonprofitorganizations need adequate financial assistance for relief operations on time It may be unforeseen but non profit organizations control and manage a large amount ofcapital and the effectiveness of their funds They attract the attention of the government andprivate sectors towards the non profit organizations Therefore a level of equilibrium in thepartnership between the government and the nonprofit organizations can be obtained aftersolving the Stackelberg leader follower model Considering that the study of models ingame theory will be relevant to real time this study examines the evolutionary dynamicsgames By this kind of a study one can identify the trajectories for achieving an evolutionarystable strategy Over time we can observe that this process starts from the beginning of theperiod and then moving forward with time it leads to a stable equilibrium condition The points obtained from the solution of differential replicator dynamic equations can becalled the balance point By examining the persistent equilibrium points the results suggestthat if the non profit organization chooses the information transparency strategy it willattract more donations from the donors who are personally willing to publicize their generousattitude but when the donors don t have a willingness to be public the non profit choosethat don t have a transparency As a result the behavior of non profits is influenced by thedonors preferences Keywords Humanitarian supply chain management Information disclosure Transparency Publicity Evolutionary Game Theory Population Game Cooperation StackelbergEquilibrium
استاد داور :
نادر شتاب بوشهري، مهدي علينقيان