شماره راهنما :
1494 دكتري
پديد آورنده :
هاديان، فاطمه
عنوان :
مدلسازي و پيش بيني آمادگي مرتع با استفاده از فنولوژي و توليد خالص اوليه در مراتع استان اصفهان
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان : دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان
صفحه شمار :
چهارده، [191]ص.: مصور، جدول، نمودار
استاد راهنما :
رضا جعفري، حسين بشري
توصيفگر ها :
آمادگي مرتع , تصاوير لندست , توليد خالص اوليه , درجه روز رشد , رطوبت خاك , شبكه باور بيزين , تصاوير موديس
استاد داور :
عطالله ابراهيمي، سعيد سلطاني، سعيد پورمنافي
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
رشته تحصيلي :
منابع طبيعي
دانشكده :
مهندسي منابع طبيعي
تاريخ ويرايش اطلاعات :
چكيده فارسي :
4 3 مواد و روشها 13 4 3 1 دادههاي ماهوارهاي 13 4 3 2 دادههاي زميني پوشش گياهي 23 4 3 3 تاثير خشكسالي برپارامترهاي گياهي 33 4 4 نتايج 33 4 4 1 بررسي پارامترهاي مختلف گياهي 33 4 4 2 تغييرات شاخص سطح برگ LAI در تيپهاي مورد مطالعه 43 4 4 3 رابطه بين شاخص سطح برگ و توليد در فصل رويش 53 4 4 4 همبستگي بين پارامترهاي گياهي و شاخص گياهي 36 NDVI 4 4 5 تغييرات پوشش گياهي تيپهاي مختلف مرتعي 73 4 4 6 رابطه بين پارامترهاي گياهي و شاخص خشكسالي 93 4 5 بحث و نتيجهگيري 04 5 1 چكيده 44 5 2 مقدمه 54 5 3 مواد و روشها 74 5 3 1 دادههاي هواشناسي 74 5 3 2 محاسبه انرژي خورشيدي 84 5 3 3 دادههاي ماهوارهاي 05 5 3 4 توليد خالص اوليه 15 5 3 5 بررسي شاخص 53 RUE 5 3 6 اثرات عوامل اقليمي و انساني بر توليد خالص اوليه 45 5 3 7 پتانسيل توليد خالص اوليه 45 5 3 8 ارزيابي تغييرات توليد خالص اوليه 45 5 4 نتايج 55 5 4 1 تعيين توليد خالص اوليه با استفاده از مدل 55 CASA 5 4 2 كارايي تصاوير لندست و موديس در براورد توليد خالص اوليه 85 5 4 3 بررسي ميزان NPP و LUE در تيپهاي مرتعي 76 5 4 4 راندمان بارندگي بر توليد ساليانه در تيپهاي گياهي 86 5 4 5 تغييرات NPP براساس پتانسيل توليد خالص اوليه در استان اصفهان 77 5 4 6 بررسي تغييرات توليد خالص اوليه در استان اصفهان 87 5 5 بحث و نتيجهگيري 97 فصل ششم بررسي تغييرات فصلي رطوبت خاك در مراتع منطقه مطالعاتي 58 نه
چكيده انگليسي :
Modeling and Prediction of Rangeland Readiness Using Phenology and Net Primary Production in Isfahan Province Fatemeh Hadian Hadian fatemeh@gmail com Date of Submission 2019 09 18 Department of Natural Resources Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 Iran Degree Ph D Language PersianDr Reza Jafari reza jafari@cc iut ac irDr Hossein Bashari hbashari@cc iut ac irAbstract Rangelands and forests account for the largest national assets The majority of Iranian rangelands are located in aridand semi arid regions The status of these rangelands has been compromised recently due to the lack of attention being paidto their condition and grazing management One of the most important causes of rangeland degradation is lack of attentionto the potential of rangeland for grazing and early grazing The amount of vegetation production plant phenology as wellas rangeland soil properties are some of the issues to be considered before the initiation of grazing Topography and annualvariability of climatic factors also affect plant phenology Since the rangeland net primary production NPP is also affectedby the phenology of plant species modeling phenological dynamics and NPP are of utmost importance in determining thetime of rangeland readiness Presently satellite imagery along with climatic data are used to calculate soil moisture NPP and plant phenology High revisit satellite imagery such as MODIS can quickly detect vegetation changes and climateelements such as temperature and humidity at a much lower cost than terrestrial methods The main aim of this study was to model and predict rangeland readiness using NPP and phenology in rangelands ofIsfahan Province NPP and phenology were investigated in three phases of field sampling remote sensing and modeling In order to find the best vegetation index for vegetation monitoring 14 vegetation indices were derived from Landsat 8 OLI images and compared with ground based canopy cover in Khansar County The best performing index was then usedto study other vegetation parameters such as leaf area index LAI and vegetation production and also monitor drought using SPI index in Khansar County Ultimately the amount of change in NPP soil moisture and phenology across theentire Isfahan Province were assessed The parameters needed to obtain NPP from CASA Carnegie Ames StanfordApproach model including moisture W effective temperatures T 1 and T 2 and solar energy were estimated fromprecipitation temperature sunshine hours and MODIS imagery data The NDVI vegetation index was calculated fromMODIS imagery and according to the province s land cover map and climatic zones NPP was modeled during a 17 yearperiod 2000 2016 and analyzed separately in each climatic zone of the Province The validity of the modeled NPP wasassessed against field data by the clipping and weighing and 4 pixel methods The results of the CASA model was alsocompared with NDVI maps produced from Landsat 8 OLI images taken in 2016 The region s NPP potential from the standpoint of climatic conditions was determined using the Miami model and theimpact of human activities on NPP was evaluated by comparing the results of the Miami and CASA models The slope ofchanges in NPP during two wet 2004 2007 and dry 2013 2016 periods the light use effective LUE and the effects ofprecipitation on NPP RUE were also investigated Given the importance of soil surface moisture in rangeland readiness this parameter was calculated using the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index TVDI and MODIS satellite products andevaluated with data collected from 60 ground sites during 8 time series in the growing season in different soil depths usingthe 4 pixel method Phenological maps were produced using the land surface temperature maps meteorological data andGrowing Degree Days GDD indicator and validated by ground based data collected in this current study and previousresearch The monthly and annual grazing capacity map of the province were generated using monthly NPP maps
استاد راهنما :
رضا جعفري، حسين بشري
استاد داور :
عطالله ابراهيمي، سعيد سلطاني، سعيد پورمنافي