شماره مدرك :
شماره راهنما :
پديد آورنده :
خادمي، علي
عنوان :

توسعه‌ي توليد بادي و تخصيص رزرو پشتيبان در تأمين كفايت توليد با استفاده از تابع مولّد فراگير

مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان : دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان
سال دفاع :
صفحه شمار :
چهارده، 101ص. : مصور (رنگي)، جدول، نمودار
استاد راهنما :
اكبر ابراهيمي
استاد مشاور :
محمد امين لطيفي
توصيفگر ها :
پتانسيل‌سنجي انرژي باد , برآورد كفايت سيستم توليد , تابع مولد فراگير , تخصيص رزرو , توان بادي
استاد داور :
غلامرضا يوسفي، احمد رضا تابش
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
كتابنامه :
رشته تحصيلي :
مهندسي برق
دانشكده :
مهندسي برق و كامپيوتر
تاريخ ويرايش اطلاعات :
كد ايرانداك :
چكيده فارسي :
01 5 2 1 بررسي دما و چگالي هواي سايت بادي 74 5 2 2 بررسي سرعت باد سايتهاي بادي 84 5 2 3 متوسط توان الكتريكي باد 15 5 2 4 تابع چگالي احتمال سرعت باد 45 5 2 5 توان و انرژي الكتريكي خروجي توربينهاي كانديد 75 5 3 توسعهي بهينهي مزارع بادي در سيستم تست 63 RBTS 5 3 1 مدل توليد سيستم 64 RBTS 5 3 2 مدل بار 64 RBTS 5 3 3 برآورد شاخصهاي كفايت سيستم 65 RBTS 5 3 4 محاسبه شاخصهاي كفايت سيستم RBTS در حضور مزرعه بادي 56 5 3 5 تخصيص رزرو پشتيبان در سيستم RBTS در افق بلند مدت با توجه به رشد بار 66 5 3 6 بررسي تأثير مقادير مختلف FOR توربينهاي بادي بر شاخصهاي قابليت اطمينان 77 5 3 7 بررسي دقت روشهاي مدلسازي توان احتمال باد چند حالته 87 5 4 توسعه بهينه مزارع بادي در سيستم تست 79 RTS 5 4 1 مدل توليد 80 RTS 5 4 2 مدل بار سيستم 80 RTS 5 4 3 شاخصهاي كفايت سيستم 81 RTS 5 4 4 شاخصهاي كفايت سيستم RTS در حضور مزرعه بادي 18 5 4 5 تخصيص رزرو پشتيبان در افق بلند مدت با توجه به رشد بار 28 5 4 6 بررسي تأثير مقادير مختلف FOR توربينهاي بادي بر شاخصهاي كفايت 39 5 5 نتيجهگيري 39 69 فصل ششم نتيجهگيري و پيشنهادات 6 1 نتايج 69 6 2 پيشنهادات 89 مراجع 99 چكيده انگليسي 201 ده
چكيده انگليسي :
Wind generation expansion and back up reserve allocation to maintain generation adequacy by using the universal generating function Ali Khademi ali khademi96@ec iut ac ir 2020 08 12 Department of Electrical and computer Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 Iran Degree M Sc Language FarsiDr Akbar Ebrahimi ebrahimi@iut ac irDr Mohammad Amin Latify latify@iut ac irAbstractWind energy has been considered as a viable source of energy in the development planning programsof many countries However unlike conventional power plants exact prediction of the wind powergeneration is impossible due to the intermittent and random nature of wind speed This has led to severalchallenges in the operation and planning of the power system especially in systems with the highpenetration of wind generation Accordingly the impact of variable and uncertain power generation ofwind turbines on power system reliability is among the main concerns in the development of theseresources In this thesis after reviewing the conventional method for wind energy potential assessment themeasured real data in several candidate regions in southeastern Iran are analyzed and the expected windpotential of each region is estimated Such estimation is carried by extracting the wind speed probabilitydistribution function and calculating the average monthly value of the wind speed average monthly airdensity and maximum obtainable power of a sample turbine These calculations result a basis forallocating the wind farm and selection of its turbines type Subsequently the desired level of systemadequacy is determined Such desired level can be determined by evaluation of the adequacy indicesbefore the installation of the wind farm to be maintained along the planning duration Then differentwind farms with specific capacities are added to the generation system in different scenarios and themulti state generation system modeling is performed and the adequacy of the generation system isevaluated In order to evaluate the generation system adequacy in the presence of wind generationsources the reliability model for the generation system and the load model during the study s periodare firstly constructed and then the system risk model is formed and the adequacy indices of thegeneration system are calculated by combining these models In case of not achieving the desiredgeneration adequacy in some portions of the plan s duration the optimal allocation of backup gas unitswill provide the desired level of adequacy In this research the analytical method of UniversalGenerating Function UGF has been used for modeling of load and wind and evaluation of generationadequacy with and without high penetration of wind generation Using this method the error andcomputational burden compared to the conventional methods are reduced and it can be used to analyzelarge scale power systems This research algorithm and methods are simulated and analyzed in RBTSand IEEE RTS standard test systems and results are discussed in this thesis Keywords 1 wind energy potential assessment 2 generation system adequacy 3 universalgenerating function 4 reserve allocation 5 wind power
استاد راهنما :
اكبر ابراهيمي
استاد مشاور :
محمد امين لطيفي
استاد داور :
غلامرضا يوسفي، احمد رضا تابش
لينک به اين مدرک :
