چكيده انگليسي :
Iran,s dry and semi-arid climate has contributed to the salinization of water and soil resources.Over thousands years natural and artificial selection in breed wheat, a porition the original genetic diversity inherited frem its ancestors has been lost. Therefore, breeders are looking for genetic divertion in the ancestors of wheat to transfer desirable genes such as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses to synthetic wheat. Synthetic wheats are obtained by hybridization between tetraploid wheats (emmer and durum) and Aegilops tauschii. So that the genome (D) belonging to Ae. tauschii contains resilience genes for of biotic and abiotic stresses, it has caused adaptation of synthetic wheats to more difficult conditions. The potential of synthetic wheat has not been used in Iran, and one of the things that should be checked on new lines is the quality of flour and micronutrient elements. The quality of flour is influenced by three main factors including genetics, milling and bakery. In the present study, the Solvent retention capacity (SRC) method was used, which is used as a valuable method to measure the functional properties of each polymeric flour component. Distilled water (WSRC), lactic acid (LASRC), sodium carbonate (SCSRC), sucrose (SUSRC) solvents can be mentioned among these methods. In addition, traits such as protein content, Zeleny number, bread volume index, humidity, flour absorption percentage and grain hardness were measured using NIR device. In this research, from 100 synthetic lines of wheat and 9 common bread wheat varieties, which include 4 foreign varieties (AAC Scotia, Carberry, Norwell and Sable) and 5 Iranian bread wheat varieties (Roshan, Pishtaz, Quds, Kavir and Baharan) along with 2 varieties of durum wheat including T. turgidum ssp. durum and T. turgidum ssp. turgidum in the form of randomized complete block design in the years 1400 and 1401 under salt stress conditions and Normal were evaluated in the research farm of Isfahan University of Technology. Synthetic wheats were studied in the laboratory in order to investigate the physical characteristics of the grain, performance, quality, as well as the content of iron and zinc in the flour. The physical characteristics included grain length, grain width, grain thickness, grain sphericity coefficient, and grain diameter. The results of analysis of variance showed that salinity stress had a significant effect on the physical and functional characteristics of the grain, while it did not have a significant effect on the two characteristics of thickness and sphericity coefficient. The effect of genotype was significant for all physical traits, performance, grain quality and grain flour iron content, which showed the diversity between the used genotypes. In the absence of salinity stress, high general heritability was observed for traits of grain length, grain diameter, grain yield and SUSRC. Also, at the level of salinity stress, traits of grain length, grain thickness, grain diameter, grain sphericity coefficient, 1000-grain weight, Zeleny number, LASRC and iron content showed high general heritability. 1000-grain weight had a positive and significant correlation with traits of grain length, grain width, grain thickness and grain diameter in both normal and salinity stress environments.