شماره مدرك :
شماره راهنما :
پديد آورنده :
مهدي زاده، حسن
عنوان :

برآورد مدل رياضي پتانسيل اسفري- هدايت الكتريكي بافت هاي غالب خاك منطقه اصفهان به روش كاغذ صافي

مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
﴿آبياري و زهكشي﴾
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده كشاورزي
سال دفاع :
صفحه شمار :
شانزده، 132، [II]ص.: مصور، جدول، شكل، نمودار
استاد راهنما :
جهانگير عابدي كوپايي
استاد مشاور :
منوچهر حيدر پور، اسماعيل مندي
توصيفگر ها :
چرخه هيدرولوژي , پتانسيل ثقلي، ماتريك، فشاري، پنوماتيك، اسمزي , روش اسمومتر، سايكرومتردما جفت، كاغذ صافي , دستگاه تانسيومتر , قيف شيشه اي , حسگرهاي TDR , رمز كتومتر , خاك لوم رسي سيلتي، رسي شني , مدل ريچاردز
تاريخ نمايه سازي :
استاد داور :
بهروز مصطفي زاده فرد، حسين شريعتمداري
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
كتابنامه :
رشته تحصيلي :
دانشكده :
مهندسي كشاورزي
كد ايرانداك :
چكيده فارسي :
به فارسي وانگليسي: قابل رويت در نسخه ديجيتالي
چكيده انگليسي :
AbstractThe design and operation of efficient irrigation systems require knowledge of the factorsand processes controlling movement and storage of water in soil Salt affected soils are acommon feature of arid zone landscape A salt affected soil is defined as a soil that hasbeen adversely affected for the growth of most crops by the presence or action of solublesalts Osmotic potential is a soil property which arises from the salt content in the soil porefluid In this research total and matric potential of four dominant textures of Isfahan soils clay silty clay loam sandy clay loam and loam with different amounts of water contentand electrical conductivity of saturation extract were measured using filter paper method Having both total and matric potentials the osmotic potential was obtained by subtraction By curve fitting four new models were obtained to estimate the osmotic potential as afunction of soil water content and the ECe Two digital balances with 0 001 and 0 00001 graccuracy were used for estimating the osmotic potential of loam and clay soils using filterpaper method The results indicated that digital balance with 0 001 gr accuracy could beused for estimating the osmotic potential of soils The independent samples t test indicated there is a significant difference between the proposed model and Richards s model unlessfor clay soil The estimation of osmotic potential using filter paper technique is fairlyreliable and replicate measurements of total and matric potential can enhance theconfidence level of this method The models are inherently more useful than the previousmethods because they can provide important insights into system behavior and arevaluable tools for analyzing physical behavior of complex unsaturated soils The filterpaper technique for estimating of soil osmotic potential is inexpensive relatively simpleand applicable to wide ranges of soil salinity
استاد راهنما :
جهانگير عابدي كوپايي
استاد مشاور :
منوچهر حيدر پور، اسماعيل مندي
استاد داور :
بهروز مصطفي زاده فرد، حسين شريعتمداري
لينک به اين مدرک :
