پديد آورنده :
اميري فر، رضا
عنوان :
استفاده از يك روش ALE تطبيقي براي شبيه سازي انفجار زير آب با در نظر گرفتن فرايند كاويتاسيون
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
تبديل انرژي
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان : دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده مكانيك
صفحه شمار :
نه، [122]، [II]ص. : مصور، جدول، نمودار
يادداشت :
ص.ع. به: فارسي و انگليسي
استاد راهنما :
احمدرضا پيشه وراصفهاني
استاد مشاور :
محسن ثقفيان
توصيفگر ها :
مساله ريمان , مدل اشميت، ايزنتروپيك , معيار هوانگ
تاريخ نمايه سازي :
استاد داور :
ابراهيم شيراني، محمود اشرفي زاده
چكيده فارسي :
به فارسي و انگليسي: قابل رؤيت درنسخه ديجيتال
چكيده انگليسي :
Abstract Underwater explosion can occur in many practical applications such as hydro forming destruction ofkidney stone by the shock waves generated with a small laser beam and damage estimation of explosivematerial near submerge structures The aim of this study is to develop a numerical procedure for simulating a simplified mathematicalmodel of such phenomenon The Euler set of equations are selected as governing equations and the idealgas and Tait equations of state are used to obtain pressure for the gas bubble and the surrounding waterzone respectively Meanwhile the modified Schmidt EOS is used to simulate the cavitation regions AnALE method is used to integrate governing equations over an unstructured moving grid This methodprevents the grid distortion by extending the gas liquid interface grid velocity to the neighboring gridnodes by a smoothing operator The delaunnay algorithm is used to produce the unstructured grid and anexact Riemann solver is employed to obtain the flux functions over the grid edges A mesh adaptingtechnique is applied to increase the accuracy also for better capturing of flow physics This is performedby refinning the grid in regions where gradients are higher than a known upper threshold and vice versa mesh coarsenning in regions where gradients are lower than a given limit The and criteria areused to determine the regions which need to be refined or coarsened whereas denotes the pressure ofthe element center Moreover a least square smoother is employed to moderate the undesirable effects ofnumerical instabilities This method has a very good performance in smoothing the interface whileminimizing the loss of mass and momentum
استاد راهنما :
احمدرضا پيشه وراصفهاني
استاد مشاور :
محسن ثقفيان
استاد داور :
ابراهيم شيراني، محمود اشرفي زاده