شماره مدرك :
شماره راهنما :
پديد آورنده :
شريفي زارچي، آزاده
عنوان :

اتيولوژي عوامل بوته ميري ناشي از شبه قارج هاي ااميست روي گياهان گلخانه اي در استان اصفهان و يزد

مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
بيماري شناسي گياهي
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان: دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده كشاورزي
سال دفاع :
صفحه شمار :
دوازده، 91، [II] ص.: مصور، جدول
يادداشت :
ص. ع. به فارسي و انگليسي
استاد راهنما :
بهرام شريف نبي، شعبان شفيع زاده
استاد مشاور :
عليرضا اسمعيل زاده حسيني
توصيفگر ها :
قارچ هاي خاكزي , ميسليوم
تاريخ نمايه سازي :
استاد داور :
امير مساح، علي اكبر رامين
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
كتابنامه :
رشته تحصيلي :
دانشكده :
مهندسي كشاورزي
كد ايرانداك :
چكيده فارسي :
به فارسي و انگليسي: قابل رويت در نسخه ديجيتال
چكيده انگليسي :
Abstract Great losses to cucurbits and peppers in greenhouses are caused by Oomycetes fungus like organisms annually To determine the causal agent and the extent of damage caused by disease several greenhouses in Isfahan and Yazd provinces were surveyed during this research Phytophthora root rot and Pythium damping off were observed in all greenhouses and average disease was recorded from 5 to 75 percent Diseased samples were collected and sixty Phytophthora and Pythium specimens were isolated on different media Based on morphological and limited physiological characteristics 40 isolates were identified as Phytophthora melonis 10 as P capsici and 10 isolates as Pythium aphanidermatum Pathogenicity tests were conducted using all isolates and results revealed that all isolates were pathogenic on cucumber and bell pepper To distinguish P melonis and P drechsleri from each other potato pink rot and safflower root rot tests were carried out that was shown same result Genomic DNA was extracted using Silva et al method and different regions of genomic DNA e g ITS Tef and B tubulin genes were amplified by three sets of primers ITS1 ITS4 Tef1 Tef2 and bt1 bt2 Two sets of species specific primers CAPFW CAPFRV1 and CAPFW CAPRV2 were used to identify P capsici also two sets of species specific primers Pa1 ITS2 and Pa3 ITS2 were used to identify Pythium aphanidermatum PCR RFLP of ITS region using RsaI HinfI TaqI HpaII and HaeIII restriction enzymes was carried out PCR RFLP method potato pink rot and safflower damping off tests couldn t distinguish P melonis and P drechsleri from each other so it is necessary to design species specific primers to provide informative results
استاد راهنما :
بهرام شريف نبي، شعبان شفيع زاده
استاد مشاور :
عليرضا اسمعيل زاده حسيني
استاد داور :
امير مساح، علي اكبر رامين
لينک به اين مدرک :
