پديد آورنده :
حيدري كمال آباد، مصطفي
عنوان :
بهينه سازي و ارزيابي ماشين جمع آوري و بسته بندي بقاياي نيشكر
مقطع تحصيلي :
كارشناسي ارشد
گرايش تحصيلي :
ماشين هاي كشاورزي
محل تحصيل :
اصفهان:دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان، دانشكده كشاورزي
صفحه شمار :
ده،86ص.: مصور،جدول
يادداشت :
ص.ع.به فارسي و انگليسي
استاد مشاور :
عباس همت، امين الله معصومي
توصيفگر ها :
برداشت بقايا , هد بردارنده , ماشين بيلر- پكر
تاريخ نمايه سازي :
استاد داور :
مرتضي صادقي، جمشيدرزمجو
چكيده انگليسي :
87Optimization and Evaluation of a Sugarcane Residue Gathering and Baling Machine Mostafa Heidari Kamal Abad mostafa heidari@ag iut ac ir October 15 2014 Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156 83111 IranDegree M Sc Language FarsiSupervisor Jalil Razavi Jrazavi@cc iut ac irAbstractIn Khuzestan Province over 70 000 ha of land are under sugarcane plantations Considering 20 of thetotal product as leaves and tops the weight of these residues was estimated one and a half million metrictons in 2010 In most countries of the world suitable for sugarcane production such as Brazil India andeven Iran these residues are burned that contribute to environmental pollution and cause organic materialloss These residues could be used as livestock feed stuff or as biofuel energy required in sugarcaneindustry Existence of these residues on the soil surface is an obstacle for irrigation and makes otherproblems Regarding to high mass and physical properties of these residues machines used for harvestingthese residues has not shown satisfactory performance For this purpose a new machine was developedand evaluated for the collecting and packing of sugar cane residues This machine consists of a small sizeround baler equipped with a roller pickup The two sections of the machine was mounted on a frame andchassis and operated by a tractor s PTO shaft After various parts were designed based on mechanical engineering design practices and considering proper safety factor and standard part machine wasprepared for preliminary field evaluation After fabricating process machine was moved to the farm atIsfahan University of Technology To provide field conditions based on the current procedure for furrowspreparation in southern Iran sugarcane plantations the furrows were made with 180cm center to centerdistance of the hills Sugarcane leaves and tops transported from Khuzestan Province were poured in thefurrows to simulate field conditions after mechanized harvesting Massey Ferguson 285 tractor was usedin order to test the machine The machine with tractor engine speed of 1800 RPM PTO driven speed of540 RPM and tractor forward speed of 3 5 km h 1 was tested Preliminary observations indicated thatabout 80 of the residue was gathered but some of them were back fed into the furrows due to poorperformance of the roller pickup In order to resolve this problem the roller pickup was replaced with thefinger pick up mechanism The fingers were positioned on the lower roller Field evaluation observationsshowed that after implementation of certain modifications on the pickup mechanism includinginstallation of two dividers on the sides of the pick up head for driving2 residues towards fingers decrease in the pick up fingers rotational speed and improvement in the feeding rollers performanceplaced in the opening of the bale chamber it is possible to use this machine for the collection and packingsugar cane residue and besides other agricultural crops residue Keywords Sugarcane residue harvesting pick up head baler packer machine
استاد مشاور :
عباس همت، امين الله معصومي
استاد داور :
مرتضي صادقي، جمشيدرزمجو