Volume :
Year :
2 0 1 5
Page :
Source :
computer law & s e c u r i t y review 31
Format Published :
Descriptors :
Data minimization , Internet of things , Quality of data , Privacy challenges , Privacy enhancing technologies , Transparency
Descriptors - جزئيات :
Abstract :
The Internet of Things presents unique challenges to the protection of individual privacy. This article highlights the growing need for appropriate regulatory as well as technical action in order to bridge the gap between the automated surveillance by IoT devices and the rights of individuals who are often unaware of the potential privacy risk to which they are exposed. As a result, new legal approaches for the protection of privacy need to be developed.
Call. No. :
EA 39
IndexDate :
Indexer :
Title of Article :

Internet of things: Privacy issues revisited

RecordNumber :
Author/Authors :
Rolf H. Weber
Author/Authors - جزئيات :
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